Tag Archives: New York Surfing.

Wax Magazine

I had the pleasure of meeting the editors of Wax Magazine last week. I was quite impressed with the over all vision for the project. This is a smart idea.

More on Wax:

We are two graphic designers and a writer who all surf together. When at our local breaks, we found that many of the people we met were artists, architects, designers, and writers — often leaders in their fields. We wanted to create a publication that tells their stories and opens up a rich dialogue in the urban surf community. While there are many surf magazines out there, nothing deals directly with the unique community of surfers found here in New York City, and in other urban environments. 

We founded WAX to explore the unique intersection of art, culture and surfing in and around the city. We believe that beauty and meaning can be found on sidewalks, boardwalks, skyscrapers and beaches alike. In our pages, we hope to explore the rich history of New York surfing and to create pathways of cultural creativity both on and off the breaks.

They have 10 days left on their Kiststarter campaign. Help them out!